More Mother's Day festivities. My nephew caught a few goldfish from my parents' pond and my brother Bill thought it would be funny to show the little ones how to hold a fish. Grace thought it was great, her cousin K-man, not so much!!!
Both kids loved the water table we set up in the backyard. It was a warm day and they spent the time splashing each other and themselves as well as anyone who came near them!LOL My brother tried to show them how to "carry" the water in their hands but by the time they ran across the lawn there was very little water to throw at us! Grace thought it was the funniest thing ever however and carried on and on! She would pretend to be running at me with the water and at the last second switch to "throw" it on Grandma, laughing hysterically every time! She has quite a sense of humour for a two year old!
Yes, that is a goldfish in the water table!!! Once again, my brother thought it would be funny!!!! He's a jokester like that!
Grace just couldn't resist climbing in!
Here is Grace handing out the bird's nests we made at Easter but never got around to eating. They've been in the freezer and as you can see Grace enjoyed hers!!
Love this shot! It captures her personality perfectly!!!
All the cousins that were there. Notice Grace doesn't let anyone else drive!!!!