It's Her Fault!! LOL
If you are wondering why you haven't seen too many posts from me lately, well, it's sort of Grace's fault. Her sleep issues ebb and flow and right now she's having an incredibly difficult time staying asleep. That means she is waking up after only 40-60 minutes of sleep each nap and night, normal for nap, not normal for night anymore. As a result that means I'm only getting 40-60 minutes to myself each evening, and well, let's just say, showering sometimes just takes priority!!LOL On the upside (?) we are working on going to sleep on her own with some success. Normally I have always stayed with Grace until she is soundly asleep but the time has come. Her attachment is secure enough now that I have introduced a modified cry it out method for several nights now. I have had to endure a lot of crying and calling out to Mommy, but so far it is working. She is now content with the expectation that she needs to go to sleep on her own while Mommy "does her work in the kitchen" my general line when I put her down. She still sleeps in my bed most of the night and I'm fine with that, have no intention of changing that routine right now, but I really wanted her to be able to put herself to sleep on her own, so hang in there faithful readers! I hope to have more time soon to write. I love keeping track of her adventures and can't wait till she's old enough to read the blog herself.
ps. Adoption issues are different than bio issues, especially in the realm of attachment, so if there are any adoptive parents out there who have experience with this and could shed kind words of wisdom, I'm open to hearing from them.
I have three adopted kids and they have all had different sleeping patterns. The first co-slept, followed by some nights next to us and some night in her bed, but always went off to sleep by herself without a problem (lucky us) the second went straight into his bed from when we adopted him without a hitch. The third is four and still co-sleeps and won't go to bed without me. I get up when she falls asleep but some nights she will still wake and come searching for me. She is such a gentle soul that needs to be nurtured. You just have to go with your gut instinct on this and go with what works best for you and your child.
Good luck
Oh by the way our eldest is now 13 and would cringe at the thought of sharing a bed with me so enjoy it while you can as it won't be forever
thanks Maggie, that's exactly how I try to look at it. I've never yet met a 16 year old that can't sleep so I know these days are numbered. I love cuddling with Grace and try to cherish each night, as short as they may be. I just want her to have the independence of being able to go to put herself to sleep, it's a life skill everyone needs. Right now what we're doing works for us, her starting out in her own bed and then coming into my bed later.
My 9 year old daughter was adopted when she was 3. At first she didn't want to have anything to do with me and was content to go to bed. After several months she was still having difficulties attaching so I initiated the co-sleeping.
I agree that you just have to go with your instincts. You are her mommy and you know what is best.
By the way she still sleeps with me. Lol
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