I've been waiting...

Monday, July 20, 2015

Blues and Jazz Bound

  Continuing our love of music and dance, Grace and I attended a Blues and Jazz recently.  For me, the highlights were the music and jewellery vendors.  For Grace, it was the corn.  Yes, the corn.  Grace rediscovered how much she loves corn on the cob this weekend!  She doesn't remember it from last summer and we haven't had it all winter I guess so when I picked her up from daycare on Friday and suggested we go uptown to check out the festival and that we could get dinner there, she asked for French fries.  Sure I said but let's see what they have before we decide.  By the time we found parking and walked up the hill from the Tim Horton's I was starving and ready to eat at the first vendor we saw, which just happened to be the Corn on the Cob booth.  Grace ate that thing until it was bare and then she gnawed on it some more!!!!!
We get home, slept the night and first thing out of her mouth Saturday morning???  "Mommy can we go to the festival and get more corn on the cob?"  So we did!  Grace had corn on the cob 3 times that weekend!

Grace's idea to wear matching blue hats!  She saw them in the basement when we were putting laundry in the washing machine.  She suggested we wear them since it was the Blue Festival lol!

Lovin' that corn on the cob!!

Dancing to the Blues!

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