I've been waiting...

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Hello Pre-school!

Grace is growing up so quickly!!
Grace has been attending a formal daycare centre a few days this summer.  We call it pre-school in hopes to give her a chance to socialize and get used to the idea of school.  Like many of the experiences Grace is introduced to, she is very excited about the "idea" of pre-school.  Once we are standing at the door it is sometimes a different story.  Grace has a great time once she is in there and when I come to pick her up a couple of hours later, she chatters on and on in the car about all the things she does and who was there and what they had for lunch, on and on it goes!!  I really hope school goes this well.  I know she's ready academically to go, but emotionally is another story.  I am confident she will be fine once she gets used to it but getting used to a busy classroom may take a while for my little monkey.  In the meantime Grace and I will continue to work on transitions by providing lots of opportunities to spread her wings and take risks!
Here she is on her first day!

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