I've been waiting...

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Forever Family Day 2014

Forever Family Day came at a busy time for Grace and I. We celebrated with dinner with my parents on Sept 2, and then a picnic in the park on Sept 3 but I never got a chance to finish my post.  So here it is, 3 weeks late but holding the same significance as if it were today. 

Family Day.  Much like a woman's labour, it is not a Norman Rockwell moment.  The room and the moment in which I first met Grace was loud and hot and crowded.  There was so much going on it was hard to know even where to look.  But I will never forget my first glimpse of my daughter as she came around the corner.  She was being carried by a tall gentleman from the orphanage and she clung to him fiercely in those first few moments.  I even remember him kindly trying to hide from her sight so that she might stop crying.  She did eventually settle down and almost smiled.   What a day that was.  I hope I always remember it like it was yesterday!

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