I've been waiting...

Sunday, December 30, 2012

Dear Santa...

I was sharing the story with a friend the other day and she suggested I include it here.  So, here it is!  If Grace were to write a letter to Santa this year, here is what I think she would say.

Dear Santa,

Hi, my name is Grace and I am 16 months old.  I can't speak in words yet so my mom is writing to you for me.
I think I have been a good girl this year, even with all the changes it has brought.  It's been a tough one for me, moving to Canada and getting to know my new family but I like them and think I will settle in for good.  
I always eat my lunch and dinner and I'm trying hard to get the spoon in the bowl.  I have worked very hard at listening to my mommy speak English and I know lots of words and tricks now.  I can shake my head yes and no, and lean from side to side.  I can raise my arms up and blow kisses.  I've learned to climb the stairs all by myself and I can walk from the couch to the chair at Grandma and Grandpa's house!  I try really hard to go to bed on time and mommy says I am doing a good job of trying to stay asleep.  This week I learned how to wave good-bye when people are leaving.  Sometimes I wait till they are already out of the house and driving down the street before I start to wave, but then, I wave like crazy and mommy laughs. 
So, I think I have been good and would like to tell you what I want for Christmas.  I know children don't get everything they ask for, even from Santa, but please try to do your best, just like me.

I would like a new walking toy.  The one I'm using right now is almost worn out!!!  I move around the house a lot!
I would like my own remote control because mommy always hides the ones she has on top of the couch where I can't reach yet!
I would also like my own phone.  Sometimes mommy talks on the phone and then I have nothing to do so I climb up her leg, but a new phone of my own would be more fun I think.
I think I would like a puppy.  I have started to like Grandma and Grandpa's dog and now I think we should have one too!  (Mommy may edit this request out before sending if off to Santa!)
If you could, I would also like my birth mom and all the people back at Xuzhou SWI to know that I am doing great.  I am happy and healthy and am loving my new home here in Canada.  I even like snow!

I think that's it!  Thank you Santa and just so you know, you are on our front door and mommy lifts me up every day so I can kiss you!
Love Grace


Anonymous said...

Awww. Sob! What beautiful and funny thoughts.

Jules and Danny said...

A wonderful letter to Santa. Glad to hear that she is doing so well. Would still love to give you a break or a playdate one day. Let us know.
Jules, Molly and Issie

Catherine said...

What a beautiful list sweet Grace! Hope we get to see you next week!

Little One said...

A beautiful and funny letter to Santa!