The Most Beautiful Touch in the World
Grace is 16 months old today and she is just not her usual "party self." I have a sick little girl on my hands right now. Just an ordinary cold but the poor thing is so congested and miserable I feel sorry for her. I've been lucky in that Grace has really been quite healthy. She had a cold and a few issues when we first came home but after that, she's been great. Right now though, Grace has hardly been able to sleep with this cold. She sounds like a freight train while she's sleeping and wakes herself up continually. The first couple of nights, I brought her into my bed to comfort her and of course she likes to sleep about 3 centimetres from my face. I should feel the beginnings of a cold within the next day or two....
When Grace sleeps with me, she often reaches out her hand throughout the night to check for my presence. It's the most beautiful touch in the world and it melts my heart every time. It's soft and gentle and she just places her hand on my cheek or takes my hand and curls her fingers around it for security. There's never been a better moment in the world, even if it is at 3am!
Poor little sweetie. So sorry she's sick.
You are so right though - there is nothing better in the entire world than a 3am check for Mommy. I can't imagine being without those and will be sad the day Hannah decides she wants to sleep in her own room.
Hopefully Grace will start to feel better soon, we feel so helpless when our little ones are ill.
I agree, there is nothing better than the touch you get when your child is checking if you are there, it melts my heart every time even after 3 1/2 years. I too will be sad when Macy decides to start sleeping in her own room, but in the mean time, I enjoy every moment I can get.
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