I've been waiting...

Monday, January 14, 2013

Christmas 2012

Christmas.  What can I say?  Becoming a mom has been the best gift ever and sharing Christmas with Grace made the holiday even more special this year.  We spent Christmas eve at my parents with Lynda and Eddy and the baby.  My brother Bill and his family came over for a while too and we all sat around and chatted.
Wrapping into the wee hours of the morning!

All for the new babies!!!!!  Except that one Canadian Tire bag which is for my dad who said he didn't care about wrapping paper!LOL

Christmas morning we got the early phone call from my nephew D. meaning it was time to make our usual trek next door to my brother's place where the kids opened their gifts and we all relaxed with coffee.  Grace took it all in watching the kids. She opened her gift with a little help from her cousins.  Grace received a cuddly lady bug pillow toy which Maggie the dog quickly claimed as her own.  I think Grace will have to learn to share!
"I've always wanted a box like this!!  Thanks!"

Hmm, I wonder if Grace would share her milk...

She said no, darn.

We then headed home where baby K opened his gifts.  I'm sure in the near future he will enjoy the toys but on Christmas morning, he mostly just ate the paper!!!  And the toys!!!
Yummy paper....

Yummy book....

Grace was a little more adept at opening the gifts but she too was more interested in the paper and packaging than any particular toy inside the package.

A sleepy morning smile.  Merry Christmas Grace!

As I was searching under the tree for the last few gifts for Grace I noticed a package addressed to Mommy. That Grace is so sneaky sometimes!!!!  She must have gone shopping without me!!

Grace is so thoughtful, she bought a lovely ornament craft for us to do.  I need to take her handprint in plaster and make a tree ornament with it.  How cool!  She also got me a calendar to help me get organized.  She knows me so well already!!!!
How cool that Grace found this calendar for me!

She found her stocking and checked out all the goodies inside.  Apple juice, mum mums crackers, and blueberry puree!  YUM!

We went to church and Grace looked like a princess, dressed in her most special Christmas dress.  I took her up to the crib scene after Mass and got the best photo I could of a little girl who was over-dressed, over-tired and over-excited! LOL!!!

Carolyn and her family arrived in the afternoon and we ended the day with presents, a great dinner and lots of family conversation.  Overall a great time had by all!

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