I've been waiting...

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Good-bye Winter!

Ok, I've hit the wall.  Spring or no spring, I have boxed up the winter coats and boots and hats, the mitts and scarves and they are gone, packed away in the basement for at least 6 months.  
Anyone living in my neck of the woods here in Ontario knows we've had some interesting weather this past week.  Here's how it played out at my house:
It rained Monday, it rained Tuesday, it rained Wednesday (nonstop!!!).  Thursday was the beginning of the ice storm and it carried on to Friday.  Friday morning I woke up to a leaking roof, water all over the kitchen counter and floor and a thick layer of ice on everything I could see.  It looked beautiful from inside the house but outside the weather was reeking havoc on the trees, the roads, the power lines and my roof.  The power flickered and went off a few times Friday morning and by lunch it was gone for good.  After calling Hydro One and hearing it may not be on until 11:00pm Saturday night, I looked at Grace and said "Let's get out of here!!"  Grace and I had been stuck in the house for days unable to get fresh air and we were both going a little stir-crazy.  The roof had stopped leaking at least for the time being and there was not much I could do about it that day with no power/phone to call a roofing contractor.  With my plans for Grace's playdate cancelled, I began the arduous task of chipping away an inch thick layer of ice all over the car.  We arranged with my neighbours to go to Swiss Chalet for dinner since neither of us could cook anything and then on to my parents' to sleep for the night in a warm house (my neighbours said the the temperature in their house was down to 9 degrees Friday night by the time they went to bed, brrrrr!!)  In the meantime, my wonderful father came over in the near dark, cold, damp icy rain and ran a generator to keep the sump pump running and my basement from flooding (it was getting close!).  Thankfully the power came back on late Friday night and we were able to return to a warm house Saturday morning.  Saturday it rained and snowed and hailed ice pellets on and off all day.  It was cold and miserable and I forced Grace to go for a short walk in the stroller later in the afternoon during a break in the weather.  Fun was not how I would describe our walk.  This morning, Sunday, I woke up to everything white. Yes, folks, it had snowed again during the night and everything was covered in a blanket of white.  I checked the calendar to make sure it really was April 14 (it is!) and then Grace and I headed off to Church.  By the time we got home and Grace had finished lunch and her nap, the new snow had mostly melted, so I bundled up my girl again and headed outside for a walk. I could still hear generators and chain saws going all over the neighbourhood, clearing up the damage that was done by the ice and keeping basements from filling with water.  It wasn't terrible but still cold, we still needed a hat and gloves.  Now that leads me to the opening paragraph of this post.  Today was the final straw.  It has officially been spring for almost a month now and I am not going to dress for winter again until it is winter again.  That's it Winter, it's over, admit defeat and get lost!!!!!

P.S. Funny thing I noticed.... yard waste collection starts tomorrow.  People have their leaf bags out filled with all the debris from their yard and sticks bundled together at the curb.  I wonder they would take it tomorrow if I bundle up that snow that is still sitting in my yard under the trees.  I definitely don't need it anymore!!!!LOL

1 comment:

Catherine said...

I understand! C'mon spring!!