I've been waiting...

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Our First Forever Family Day

One year ago today I met the most beautiful girl in the world and she became my daughter.  I am amazed every day by the changes I see in her and my heart bursts with love for her. 

I've been sitting here for almost an hour, checking facebook, responding to emails, do some things for work.  I know I need to post today, it's a really special day for Grace and I.  I just don't know what to write.  The feelings are too strong, the emotions too overpowering, that I can't get it into the right words.  I suppose I should start by thanking God for bringing Grace into my life, and while I think it privately every day, I don't say it out loud often enough. You know us Catholics, strong faith but not so good at evangelising!!!!  So, for now, I will just post the facts and maybe over the next few days I will come up with a way to write about it eloquently. 

Today was my first day back at work and Grace's first full day at day care.  We've been visiting several times over the summer and it has gone well but today was the true test.  She would be expected to sleep there.  I dreaded the phone call I was expecting.  "Suzanne, what's up with this kid???  Why won't she sleep?"  But it never came.  Instead I received a text while I was in the middle of a meeting.  I raced across the room to grab my phone and from Grace's care provider it said, "Grace is doing great.  She ate her whole lunch and is now sleeping.  She couldn't have had a better morning!"  Tears of relief came into my eyes as I thanked God she was able to sleep in her new environment.  I so hope tomorrow goes just as well!
Here's Grace at our front door.  She looks so happy here.  You would never know that Brenda had to pry her off my leg in order for me to go to work!

Arriving at Brenda's door, still looking optimistic....  I can't bear to show you what happened next! 

More importantly however, was the fact that today is Grace and I's first anniversary as a family.  It was one year ago today that I stood in a hot crowded room at the Civil Affairs office in Nanjing, China, watching as an orphanage worker brought Grace through the doors.  It was not a Hallmark moment I can assure you.  It was hot and loud and confusing for both Grace and I as people were moving about, talking to me, handing me her little pink Barbie backpack full of everything she owned in the world.  But it was our moment, and just like a woman giving birth, it was loud and messy and confusing but it was beautiful and I will remember it forever.  Here we are in our first moments as a family.

The first moment we met!

"Who the heck are you???"

Still not sure about this new family

I told you it wasn't a Hallmark moment!!!!

Signing the papers to make the adoption official and final.  Grace being my little helper!

Day 2 and the first smiles.....

One of Grace's nannies signing her book

That first night back in the hotel room.  Look how tiny she is!

Sharing pizza, Sept 3 2012, sharing pizza, Sept 3, 2013

Today we honoured the day with dinner with my parents (take-out pizza, a treat!).  My parents brought Grace and I a beautiful Rose of Sharon tree.  After dinner, Grandpa dug the hole (yeah for Grandpa!!!!  I have many many rocks in my soil and it's a chore and a half to dig a hole!  I'm so glad he offered!!!!LOL) and Grace and I planted the tree.  As a gift, I gave Grace the book I had brought to China with me from home, Love You Like Crazy Cakes.  While in China I had the officials at the Civil Affairs office and her nannies from the orphanage sign the book.  I wrote a special message for her too.  I had also bought a fork and spoon set from the Beijing Zoo which I gave to her tonight as well.  As soon as Grandpa and Grandma went home it was bedtime for Grace.  She fell asleep in my arms and I held her for an extra long time tonight, thanking God and just loving her.

Grace, always the little helper!!!!!

Pulling rocks out of the hole

Grace, getting Grandma's vantage point from the top of the climber

Overall a busy, long day and I think I'm not far behind Grace in getting to bed tonight!


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