So Much to Be Thankful For...
I've been putting off writing this post because I feel like simple words won't do justice to the feelings I have this Thanksgiving. I love to write and I can usually find the words to express what I want to say, but these past two days, I can't seem to find the right words. So much to be thankful for... A great family, good friends, a great place to live in a beautiful country, the blessing of a new nephew, a good job and a warm house with everything I need, but most of all, a beautiful daughter who has brought joy to my day every day for a month now, has made me laugh and cry and giggle and crawl around on the living room carpet after her. She's given me a chance to share all the love I have inside me with someone who really needs it and for that I'm so thankful. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!
Seems like yesterday you and Grace came home. Just wait til you are out in the yard, playing in the snow...and much fun to come....Karen
Happy ThanksGiving Suzanne!
You have a beautiful daughter, & thank you for sharing your story.
Madi's impatient mama
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