I've been waiting...

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Old Friends and New Beginnings

Beginnings and Endings. Each one comes with a story. You must have an Ending in order to have a Beginning, am I right? I am getting ready for a New Beginning, life with a baby. Does that mean I need to have an Ending? My life was pretty good. I had everything I needed, except maybe a new kitchen. I don't know if I want that to end. But I very much want the New Beginning. Do I need to have an Ending to have a New Beginning? I'll keep thinking about this. I'll let you know when I have it figured out.

I got together with some old friends last night. Well, I'm sure they wouldn't appreciate being called "old" but you know what I mean! All friends from university, I had lost touch with them for a long time over the years. They have been much better at keeping in touch with each other than I have been with them, not for any reason other than life just takes over and keeps me busy. It was great to see them again and I hope I can stay better in touch.

We met at the mall and did some shopping and had dinner. Apparently February is THE MONTH TO SHOP for winter clothes. It was fun to watch them try on all sorts of clothes and come away with great bargains. I even picked up a few things for Grace that were on mega-sale. I felt happy and excited to come home with my little stash!

What struck me funny however, was that as we were catching up, they were sharing stories about their kids, all of them in school, some high school, none of them little anymore. Here I am, getting ready for a baby and here they are looking forward to their kids going off to high school and university! I've thought of this scenario quite a bit over the past five years and how my life with a baby will be much different than that of my same-age family and friends. I worry. Will I have enough energy for a baby at my age? Will stories of baby's first step and first words be interesting conversation to people who are talking about paying for their child's university? Will I be able to stay in touch with people who no longer need to plan ahead for a babysitter? I just worry. It's who I am.

Someone quick, please post and tell me that it will be ok and I will survive it all!!!!


Jules and Danny said...

Hey there,
We are in the same boat, so some of your new friends are at the same stage. And old friends love the baby stuff now that theirs are long grown. They appreciate it at a different level than they would have when they were young with their own kidlets. As for the energy, it is tiring, but you appreciate it in a different way too!
You'll be fine and you'll still worry. We all do!

Suzanne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suzanne said...

Thanks Julia, most days I know that, some days I don't. Thanks for reminding me and welcome to the blog!

Suzanne said...

ok, I deleted my own comment just because I wanted to see how it worked. don't worry folks, there was nothing offensive in it. I didn't mean to moderate myself (although some days I probably should!!)

Andrea said...

I am in the same boat, most of my friends have kids that are getting married now and having their own now. Crazy, where does time go. I hope our babies will keep us young!

Catherine said...

You'll do great! As Julia said you'll quickly find that you have a whole new set of friends who are at the same stage you are and, you'll also have your old friendships although they will probably change a bit too. I often remark at how Hannah is the light of so many lives!! At church with friend's kids are sitting with the teens, Hannah will run up to them and wrap her little self around their legs! They love it!! For many it's been 10 or more years since there was a little one running up to say hi and give them some toddler lovings. I was worried that I wouldn't 'fit in' with my old friends. We still fit, just differently. You may also find that you're not longing to get that babysitter. For myself, as much as I enjoy little bits of time away from Hannah, an evening at home playing, reading stories, making crafts and baking holds just as much excitement as a night at the movies. It's just...different!

I was sure I'd long for time away from Hannah for some 'me' time as I'd been on my own for so many years. That happens very rarely and on those days I call Grandma and Grandpa but most times I treasure the few hours we have between daycare pickup and bedtime and then when she's asleep I have those couple of hours to enjoy tv shows not found on Disney Junior!

You're going to do great and very quickly you'll wonder what you did with your time before Grace was in your arms!