I've been waiting...

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

24 hours from now....

24 hours from now I will be boarding a plane.  Yikes!!  I haven't slept in days now as the excitement has been building.  My friend Liz mentioned yesterday that she thought I sounded so calm but believe me, it's all an act.  I'm not calm, I'm excited and stressed and freaking out inside! So stressed that I was at the bank on Saturday, trying to get money from the ATM and I forgot how it works!!  WHAT THE HECK???  How can I forget how an ATM works???!!!!  I put in my request and when it didn't spit out the money right away but asked me if I wanted to complete another transaction, I got nervous that it wasn't working and I went and got the clerk to help me.  She patiently explained that the money comes out at the very end.  I was embarrassed to say the least.  She just smiled.  I'm sure I will be the talk at her dinner table tonight, the dumb lady who forgot how to get money out of an ATM.  I guess that's "mommy-brain" at it's best!!  To my defence however, I hardly ever use an ATM!!!!!

Thanks to everyone who sent good wishes through phone calls and emails and blog posts.  I won't likely have time to respond to everyone so please know that I got your message and am thankful.

My friends Rhonda and Josh are currently boarding their plane to China.  They left a day before us and will hopefully scope things out and give me the scoop when I get there!  I'm counting on it!  I have a few activities planned for the first couple of days in Beijing (not like me to sit around doing nothing!!!).  We arrive Thursday evening and are hopefully attending a Tea Ceremony and an Acrobatic Circus show on Friday.  After that, still needs a little planning.  

My friend Catherine has been kind enough to offer to post for me while I am in China.  Catherine has her own beautiful daughter and has been a wealth of advice and encouragement to me.  Thanks so much Catherine, I appreciate it!!  I will post as often as I can and include pictures to show you what I see of my daughter's homeland. I can't wait!!!  Maybe I should head to the airport early, just in case!!!  Is right now too early??!!


Little One said...

This is so exciting...and so much better than preparing to start a new school year! Do you get a full year off for adoption maternity leave? Enjoy every second!

Catherine said...

Wheee! You're in China! Happy to help you out my friend!