I've been waiting...

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Back in Beijing

We're back in Beijing now, having left Nanjing yesterday.  Grace survived her first flight well.  She fell asleep shortly after take-off, woke half way through the flight to eat lunch and then played until we landed.  Hopefully things will go that well on the flight back home!!!  She's travelled a lot for such a young girl, two train rides and an airplane all in one week!

Just before you read any further, please know I will NOT be one of those parents who tells you every little detail of my child's daily functions.  If I become one, shoot me in the foot to remind me of this.  Now, read on and hopefully get a chuckle.

This morning we had to go to the get the Visa photos taken.  Grace was kind enough to have a bowel movement just as I finished changing her diaper and putting her into her beautiful red dress for the photo.  So I quickly changed her again and headed down to the lobby, now running slightly late.  We rushed over to the Visa office and as soon as we got through the door, I noticed what has now become a familiar aroma.  Yes, Grace had gone again and from the odour, I could tell it was going to be one for the memory book.  It was!  I quickly held her for the photo and then asked the guide where I could go to change her.  She suggested I wait till we got back to the hotel, then she got a whiff as I brought Grace closer to her and quickly ushered us upstairs to yet another bathroom floor.  Imagine how fun it would be to change a baby on the floor of the subway station bathroom, that's how fun it has been to change a baby on a floor in China.  I swear I would not be one of those mothers that talks about their child's every bowel movement, but here I go.  I promise  I won't do it often!!!  It was a BLOW-OUT.  It was everywhere.  As I tried my darndest for about 5 minutes to clean her up with wipes, I heard a toilet flush.  Apparently I was blocking two women in their stalls!  They had finally ran out of patience and wanted out.  It was probably the smell.  Even I could hardly stand it!  They quickly stepped over Grace and me and got the heck outta there!  I tried really hard not to get anything on her dress but was a little unsuccessful.  I bundled up her panties and tights and shoved them in the backpack and headed back downstairs with a half naked girl to meet the group.  Her tights, I'm afraid will never be the same.


susan said...

My daughter and I just returned from china 2 months ago with her adopted daughter. We too had the "nasty" diaper issue and found out through testing at the international adoption clinic that the baby had parasites as many of them do. After a round of medicine the problem has corrected itself. Your baby is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Oh Suzanne you made me laugh!! Blowouts!! Oh how I remember those! You can tell me about Grace's every burp and milestone, promise I'll hang on your every word!



Catherine said...

Oh, blowouts. Ugh! Welcome to Mommyhood! Just a heads up, there are a few places around here where you will also run into the challenge of no change tables. Never fun!

Glad to hear Grace did so well on her first flight. The next time you board a plane Hannah and I will be happy to welcome you home!