One Week Later
Grace has been with us for just a week now and the changes I see in her are astounding!!!! Gone is the bewildered little girl I held for the first time at the Civil Affairs office last Monday. In her place is a bubbly, smiling little monkey! These past few days have been amazing, getting to know her personality and watching as Grace learns all sorts of new skills. I've learned so much about her already. I now know that she loves her food, every bit of it. We haven't found anything she doesn't like! Grace loves the water, and smiles non-stop splashing in the bathtub. She loves having her hands and face washed with a warm cloth and has no problem using my cheek as a teething ring. She now climbs and crawls all over me and is starting to pick up toys and use them as toys, shaking and rolling them in her hands and of course throwing them on the ground just so we can pick them up. She's started to crawl and thanks to Grandpa, is learning to pull herself up to a standing position holding onto Grandpa's hands. Thanks Grandpa! I could have used a couple of days of immobility when we got home to unpack!!!! LOL! She no longer pushes me away (at least most of the time) and is beginning to settle into a sleep routine where she will allow me to feed her a bottle and rock her to sleep. These are big things for my little girl and I'm so thankful to God for such an easy transition so far. We may still be in the "honeymoon" period, but I'll take it!!
From this.......
To this in one week....
Seems like Grace is already recognizing her family who love her and have been waiting so long for her to join them :)
Who wore out first and fell asleep on the bed- grace or dad. Has mom tried to have grace lie on her belly across her legs yet? Glad to see grace looks so happy with everyone. See you soon. Lynda and family
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