I've been waiting...

Friday, September 21, 2012

Finally a Nap

So little Miss Grace has finally given in to sleep this morning.  We've been up since shortly after midnight and Grace has alternated between dozing in the rocking chair, playing, crying, screaming, and when I finally brought her into bed with me around 3:00, climbing all over me;)  She finally gave it up and fell asleep in my arms around 8:00 this morning, giving me time for a shower (finally!!!) and a quick post.  Thanks for the good wishes and prayers from you on getting Grace onto a schedule.  I know it will happen and I know things will get better (I've yet to meet a teenager who doesn't sleep through the night!!!LOL)  but I really pray that they do soon, I feel like a walking zombie!!
Grace on the other hand seems to be faring quite well on such little sleep.  She is bubbly and active all day, laughing when I play with her.  She loves  listening to me sing songs with her, especially songs with actions and she is so close to starting to clap on her own.  I saw her little hands today moving together to try it out.  So cute!! 
I've added a post about our visit to the Summer Palace in Beijing so scroll further down, Sept 12.  I still have lots of pictures from our trip to China but most of them are on my parents' camera/computer.  As soon as I get a chance to get there and copy them, I will start posting.  In the meantime, I may need to take a little break from blogging for a few more days.  I need to take care of my girl, but hang in there folks, I'll be back as soon as I can!!!!
Grace checking out her new toys at home

Gotta love that smile....


Anonymous said...

Suzanne I am so happy for you. I look forward to reading your notes and seeing pictures of Grace. Being adopted myself I have a incredible interest in happy ending. This my friend is one happy ending and a start to a happy life for you and Grace.. I would live to see you and meet little Grace in person. It would be awesome to catch up. If your ever up for company when your settled let me know. Maybe my aunt Gail and I could come for coffee.. I will wait for your next post. Enjoy Grace. Wendy

Anonymous said...

Don't forget to take care of yourself to!

Little One said...

Just enjoying your journey!

Suzanne said...

Wendy, absolutely you guys should come for a visit! give me a bit more time to adjust to life with Grace and then we'll set it up

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Suzanne! She is absolutely gorgeous! Thanks for sharing your journey.


Anonymous said...

Yes, gotta love that smile :)